
Igeneadnatests.com Review 

By  Staff Writer

Igeneadnatests.com Review
Igeneadnatests.com Review

Igeneadnatests.com Review

Igeneadnatests.com Review

DNA testing can be useful to determine family history as well as allow those being tested to have access to knowledge about ancestors that would have been previously unknown. When selecting a DNA testing service, it’s important to look for a reputable source that has a high-tech lab to ensure testing accuracy. iGENEA offers a simple test, accurate results, and access to online sources to allow for in-depth research of ancestral history.

iGENEA offers accurate results from a simple mucus test that you can do at home. A simple swabbing of the inside of the mouth is all that’s required. Once the sample is received, results can be expected in 6 to 10 weeks. The results are accurate as the tests are performed in an ultra-modern certified laboratory. There are several pricing options when it comes to the tests depending on the results you’re looking for. The Basic test is priced at $239. If you wish for a more in depth result, there is also a Premium option priced at $559 and an Expert option at $1399. The Premium option is the most popular with around 75% of genealogists choosing it over the other two.

When results are received, iGENEA then offers an option to get more information based on your results through their DNA genealogy database. Assistance can also be had by connecting with the site’s DNA experts. The site offers support to those who may be inexperienced with genealogy to allow for understanding and interpretation. Using iGENEA also gives lifetime access to their online database to find people who belong to the same ancestral group.

iGENEA is a good option for those seeking in-depth information about their ancestors. While it may be pricey for those who a merely curious, the basic option would work for someone who is just seeking information on one particular side of their family. For someone who is building a family tree and needs more than the basic info, using iGENEA can help them find everything from the region of origin of the family to the ancient tribe they belonged to.

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