
DNA Relationship Tests 

By  Staff Writer

DNA Relationship Tests
DNA Relationship Tests
A recent article from The Guardian discusses the new DNA relationship tests for couples testing their “chemistry” together. While some scientists say this is the beginning of a new trend and a new science that has merit, other researchers say it is a waste of money and can not predict if two people will have a good relationship. Indicators of the tests include attraction and compatibility. These tests do not include any tests that could be done to determine if any children would be born with any genetic problems. See more information about that at: Carrier Testing

For the article: “Instant Chemistry works like so: you and your partner sign up to receive a “relationship kit” containing two saliva receptacles, which you spit into and send back to the company. Instant Chemistry then extracts certain genetic information from the samples and, based on what they term “bio- and neuro-compatibility”, score how compatible you are. Seabrooke and Gonzalez, for example, ring in at a cool 86%.

Instant Chemistry only looks at select genetic material: it won’t map your genome, or tell you about mutations that could affect your offspring (to do so, they’d be diving into murky ethical waters and opening themselves up to the same scrutiny facing the genomics company 23andMe).

In the process of analysis, first, they look at the genes of your immune system – the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) profile of you and your partner. HLA is what allows us to recognize the self: is this body mine or other? It controls what bacteria grows on and in you, producing your unique odor and taste, leaving you unbothered by your partner’s early-morning scent, their tongue, hair and hollows. As Gonzalez says, “How often have you heard something like, ‘I liked him, he was cute, but we didn’t have any chemistry.’ That’s not magic, that’s science.”

How often have you heard someone say ‘I liked him, but we didn’t have any chemistry.’ That’s not magic, that’s science.
Ron Gonzalez
HLA is the best studied of all of Instant Chemistry’s metrics: the others rely on extrapolating psychological profiles from four behavioral genetic variants: your serotonin transporter, oxytocin receptor, dopamine receptor, and a dopamine enzyme. Seabrooke and Gonzalez argue that individual variations of these genes can determine how you communicate and process emotions, and subsequently how you and your partner will grow as a couple over time.”

You can read the entire article at: Instant Chemistry DNA Relationship Tests

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