
Prenatal Paternity Testing 

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Prenatal Paternity Testing

Prenatal Paternity Testing

What is Paternity Testing? The need for paternity testing in the womb is more common than many people realize. Determining the identity of a baby's father is essential for financial and emotional reasons. If you're pregnant and are unsure of who the baby's father is, then it may make sense to undergo paternity testing before birth. It's always best to rely on a professional laboratory to perform paternity testing. Look for a facility that features AABB accreditation to ensure trusted results every time. AABB only certifies facilities that have a well-known reputation for providing high-quality services. That means you can trust that laboratory to deliver efficient, accurate results. Establishing paternity before birth is important for a number of reasons. When the identity of the child's parent is proven, it establishes their right to certain legal and social benefits. This means that the child could derive financial assistance from the father's Social Security or veteran's benefits. Moreover, the child would also be able to legally inherit from the father's family. Paternity testing in the womb is also vital because it provides valuable knowledge about the baby's family medical history. Physicians are always better able to prevent, diagnose and treat conditions when they know more about both sides of the child's family. Of course, paternity testing before birth can also help to establish and strengthen a bond between a father and his baby. The results of the test may make it possible for him to take legal steps to pay for child support and arrange for visitation or shared custody. Frequently, state law requires that the father is identified on the birth certificate and/or with an Acknowledgment of Paternity document. Being confident about the identity of the baby's father prior to the birth makes filling out this necessary paperwork much easier. It also can clear up a number of misunderstandings or misconceptions before this life-changing event occurs. You may have options when it comes to collecting a sample for paternity testing in the womb. The traditional approach involves obtaining a sample of the amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby or taking a minute portion of the placenta in an invasive procedure. However, modern technology has made less-invasive paternity tests a more reliable and realistic alternative than it has ever been before. To complete this test, the mother's blood is drawn, and the lab technician isolates fetal DNA from the blood to determine paternity. With both the invasive and non-invasive prenatal paternity testing, you can expect a 99.9 percent degree of accuracy. That brings tremendous confidence and peace of mind to the expectant mother and father. Results are typically available within just a few days of the test, allowing you more time to plan and prepare.