
New Regions of the Human Genome Linked to Skin Color 

By  Staff Writer

Bethesda, Md., Fri., September 28, 2017 - In the first study of its kind, an international team of genomics researchers has identified new regions of the human genome that are associated with skin color variation in some African populations, opening new avenues for research on skin diseases and cancer in all populations. These findings may help researchers determine if humans with certain DNA sequences are more or less susceptible to DNA damage caused by ultraviolet radiation (UVR) or respond to cellular stress differently. National Institutes of Health researchers contributed to this effort, led by Sarah Tishkoff, Ph.D., at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The findings were published in the journal Science.

Additional Information Genome and Skin Color and Cancer

It was found that some families had a very high rate of cancer at a very young age that wasn't explained by environmental factors. What types of cancer are there specific types of cancer that are hereditary like a lymphoma? They have found hereditary cancers of every type ranging from Natoma to melanoma colon cancer and breast cancer the most common or one of the most common in the earliest described form of hereditary cancer.

Why is it that some cancers are more likely to be a hereditary type than others?  This is where the Human Genome studies in Africa come in.  They will be able to tell us a lot about skin and AV light and cancer. Some cancers are primarily caused by environmental toxins could be melanoma from UV radiation could be lung cancer from smoking, mesothelioma from asbestos, and other cancers are kept in check by genes which prevent cancers from forming. When those genes are broken patients due to hereditary traits but patients already increase risk for cancer are there ones in particular that have a stronger preponderance in terms of genetic background that they would develop cancer. 

Regarding cancer types more influenced by genetics, on the spectrum would be breast and ovarian cancer.  Approximately ten percent of people with breast or ovarian cancer have a red eteri component and then there would be a middle ground with colon cancer.  The other cancers about five percent, and then on the other end of the spectrum where there's a low but still positive incidence of hereditary traits it would be melanoma and a few other cancers you had said just a moment ago that there are genes that prevent cancers from forming so people that get cancer maybe don't have that gene or something has happened to that gene is that more off than on.